Teams Relay, run together
800 m row
70 Alternating burpees
60 partner wall ball shots 14/10
50 feet sled push 150/100
50 feet sled pull 150/100
40 ab mat sit up med ball pass 10# each
30 ring rows with feet elevated
20 push ups
400 m run
Sport and Performance
Teams Relay, run together
800 m run
70 Alternating burpees
60 partner wall ball shots 20/14
50 feet sled push 240/150
50 feet sled pull 240/150
40 partner leg toss
30 pull ups
1000 m row
**Sled push = partner 1…Sled pull = partner 2
**If you are using 2 different wall ball loads, hold ball in rack position until partners ball return to hands…
a dropped wall ball shot = no rep.