Aug 27 2013
Fitness Clean and Jerk technique 21-15-9 Burpee sand bag clean Box jumps Row for calories Performance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Clean and Jerk 21-15-9 Clean and Jerk @65% box jumps 24/20 Pull ups Sport 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Clean and Jerk 21-15-9 Clean and Jerk 135/95 box jumps 24/20 Pull ups
Fall Schedule and new classes
It’s time to start thinking fall… Days are shorter, geese are flying south and hoodies are starting to make a regular appearance. Here are some changes to the Fall schedule, starting September. We are testing out this schedule for one month and then making adjustments based on participation and request. Monday: 8 am – 6 pm – 7 pm Tuesday: 8 am – 11 am – 6 pm – 7 pm Wednesday: 8 am – 6 pm – 7 pm Thursday: 8 am – 11 am – 6 pm – 7 pm Friday: 8 am – 11 am – 5 pm Saturday: 10 am There are a two new classes listed on the schedule: Fitness ( level 1) These classes are focused on developing functional movement patterns, learning skills and allow plenty of time for questions, discussions and practice. All fitness levels are welcome to attend classes. Our new members…
Aug 26 2013
Fitness 3 sets Pull ups x 3-5 (remove band or add load to achieve reps) Side plank hold x 30 seconds each 60 seconds of DU practice EMOM x 12 1 – 4 minutes row sprints x 30 seconds max calories 5-8 Push ups max reps x 30 seconds 9-12 Burpees max reps x 30 seconds Performance 3 sets Ring dips x 3-6 GHD sit up x 10-12 Pistols x 3-5 each leg EMOM x 12 1 – 4 minutes DU max reps x 30 seconds 5-8 Pull ups max reps x 30 seconds 9-12 Burpees max reps x 30 seconds Sport 3 sets CTB pull ups x 8-12 GHD sit up x 10-12 Handstand walk 10-15m EMOM x 12 1 – 4 minutes airdyne sprints x 30 seconds max calories 5-8 HSPU max reps x 30 seconds 9-12 Burpees max reps x 30 seconds
Aug 24 2013
All levels Teams of 4, Gauntlet format, one person starts completes reps then moves to second movement second person starts and only moves forward after person one completes reps 3 rounds each person for time 5 pull ups 10 box jump overs 15 KB swings 20 wall balls Then as a group complete 1000 m row and 100 burpees ***you can only perform burpees while rower is moving. Box Fitness 20 – Sport 24 KB Fitness 12kg/16kg – Sport 20kg/24kg WB Fitness 10/14 – Sport 14/20 with 10′ target