3 sets
3 Negative pull ups
Max reps ring rows
10 hollow rocks
Rest 2 minutes between sets
4 sets (NFT)
10 KB swings
400 m row
250 m light walk
Use the walking time to lower your heart rate and develop mental presence.
Your working pace should be a steady state between 70-80% effort.
Rowing 22-26 SPM
Sport and Performance
3 sets
Weighted strict pull ups 5-5-5
Max reps BW pull ups (kipping okay)
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Max reps T2B unbroken x 1
3 rounds (NFT)
Tire flips 50 feet
20 KB swings 24/16
Rack position walk 50 feet
Work on speed while lifting the tire, keep effort between 70-80%.
This can be individual or partners…have fun with it 🙂
Olympic Lifting
Snatch Pull 3-3-3-3-3 @60-90% of snatch
Snatch + OHS 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 @80% of snatch