2 sets
Sand bag clean x 12
One arm DB row x 6-8 (AHAP)
Bar hang in hollow hold x 30 seconds
Teams complete the following for time:
3000 m row
250 m farmer walk
Teams of 2 is preferred, but teams of 3 okay,
2 athletes can work at the same time
Team decides how to break up distance
I length from gym to barrier and back = 50 m
15 minutes building up to today’s 3 T&G Power clean
5 rounds for time
5 power cleans
10 box jumps
set #1-2 @60%, #3-4 @70%, #5 @80% (athlete adds weight to bar)
15 minutes building up to today’s 3 T&G Power clean
5 rounds for time
5 power cleans
10 box jumps 24″/20″
set #1-2 @135, #3-4 @165, #5 @185 (athlete adds weight to bar)