Monthly Archives: September 2013

Fitness and Performance 4 sets DB Push press x 6-8 + Split Squat (rear toe elevated) x 6-8 each Plank hold x 45 seconds For time: 5 strict pull ups 25 skips 4 strict pull ups 50 skips 3 strict pull ups 75 skips 2 strict pull ups 100 skips 1 strict pull up 125 skips If you do not have BW pull ups yet? Jump up and negatives down. If you have DU cut the skips in 1/2. Sport Jerk (behind the neck) @70% 3-3-3-3-3 Push press @75% 5-5-5-5 3 rounds for time: 50 DU 15 CTB pull ups

Fitness and Performance 3 sets: Back Squats @50% 10-12 GHD hip extensions x 10-12 60 seconds of skipping practice EMOM x 10 10 KB swings 5 burpees Sport Back Squats @65% 10-10-10 Snatch off blocks (above knee) @65% 3-3-3-3-3 Halting Snatch DL (above knee – hip) @80% (of snatch) 3-3-3 OHS @65% 3-3-3-3-3  

All levels 15 minutes of practicing the power clean “The chief” 3 minute AMRAP x 5…rest 60 seconds after each set 3 power cleans 6 push ups 9 air squats  Sport level: 135/85 Performance level: @65% Fitness level: loading based on experience
