3 sets
Split stance TRX rip trainer row x 12 each side
Heavy KB DL x 12
4 rounds for reps
30 seconds of WB
30 seconds of SDHP w/KB
30 seconds of Single under’s
30 seconds of KB swings (russian)
60 seconds of Rest
Same weight on KB for both movements.
3 sets
3 Weighted pullups + max reps BW pullups
between sets perform
6-8 Deadlifts @50%
4 rounds for reps
30 seconds of WB
30 seconds of KB snatch
30 seconds of DU
30 seconds of KB swings
60 seconds of Rest
***Don’t have weighted pull ups yet? Use a lesser band then add the necessary assistance to complete 6-10 reps.
Recruit a friend for assistance if you can.
10 minutes working on DL mechanics 3-6’s @50-60%
5 rounds for time
250 m row
12 KB swings
6 CTB pull ups
3 T2B