2014 and your fitness scale

2014 and your fitness scale

Resolutions you say?

scale_OMGThe New Year’s resolution is a phenomenon that seems to give most people a green light for excess and indulgence over the holiday season.  The beers before noon, the extra dessert and that extra plate of turkey dinner is all validated with the idea that January 1st will be a new change, a new person and new habits.  The internal dialogue and lying to ourselves does nothing for our long term development.  Every day we have a multitude choices to make; grande? – no foam? – skinny? – extra hot? “don’t get me started”.scale


The choices in question here are:

  1. Are we living today increasing our health and wellness?
  2. Are we living today decreasing our health and wellness?

No one is perfect and living life always increasing your health and wellness in not realistic…but making a prolonged decisions (2 week vacation) can seriously tip your fitness scale in the wrong direction.  Once  tipped too far the effort to re-balance is  difficult. What does that really mean? Live every day with the idea of fitness/wellness balance.  Have you tipped the scale too far in either direction?

In the gym for January we are going to use our fantastic community support and create our fitness goals wall.  On the wall we are going to place 3 pieces of paper, each one will include a personal goal and every time the goal is achieved we will pull off the paper.  The goal is to have all the slips of paper removed before January 2015.

  1. First fitness goal is a short term  (30-60 days)
  2. Second fitness goal is long term (6 months – 1 year)
  3. Third goal is something that will increase your internal wellness

If you have some challenges deciding on your goals please start by reviewing your Level requirements then check in with one of the trainers for assistance.

Together we will complete this challenge…







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