Dec 7 2013
Lets have some serious fun today everyone…and thanks for participating in the Team challenge.
Dec 6 2013
All levels For those who are participating in the Rebel Team Challenge: Today is focused on mobility, recovery and practicing some transitions with your team mates. Also an opportunity to practice some technique and ask questions. Your body should feel totally recovered and fresh for tomorrow. For those not participating on the weekend: GOAT DAY: 20 minutes Even minutes pick one movement Odd minutes pick a secondary movement Rep scheme will be given based on movement skill and your experience.
Dec 5 2013
Fitness 15 minutes review levels homework/goals For time: 50-40-30-20-10 DU (x3 SU) Jumping pullups Performance 6 mixed sets for time: 5 HSPU 10 GHD sit ups or T2B 15 calories Rest 1:1 2 sets: Row 2 sets: Ski 2 sets: Airdyne Sport 6 sets of complex 3 Dead lifts 3 Hang clean 3 Full clean 2 minute rest between sets increase load over the 6 sets
Dec 4 2013
Fitness 10 minutes of Clean grip Deadlift Technique 4 mixed sets for times 15 DU (45 SU) 15 DB push press 15 step ups 15 SDHP w/KB Rest 3 minutes between sets Sport and Performance 10 minutes working up to today’s “heavy-ish” 3 Rep Clean DL ( perfect posture and lots of torque) 3 rounds for time 750 m row 10 Power cleans 95#/65#