Jan 27 2014
Fitness 20 minute AMRAP 5 push ups 10 air squats 15 TRX rows Performance 20 minute AMRAP 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats Sport Unloading week: Each workout will be focused on perfecting mechanics and working at 50-60% intensity. By the end of the week you should be clawing at the walls jonesing to train hard again. Increase your mobility and rest this week. Dead lift 10,000 lbs/8,000 lbs The number of reps and sets are up to you, take as much rest as you need to complete each rep with perfection.
Jan 25 2014
Fitness and Performance EMOM X 8 12 wall balls Rest 5 minutes 3 rounds for time: 400 m run or 500 m row 15 DB STOH 30 ab mat sit ups Sport EMOM x 8 2 power snatches increasing loads with successful lifts Rest 5 minutes then… For time: 10 Snatches @135/75 50 wall balls 25 CTB pull ups 50 wall balls 10 Snatches @135/75 Rest 5 minutes then… For time: 1000 m row sustain 95% effort from start to finish
Jan 24 2014
Fitness and Performance Teams of 2, alternating full sets 5 rounds each 250 m row Farmer carry from rower to door and back (as heavy as possible) 25 DU (50 SU) Sport 15 minutes: aerobic work 10 minutes: jumping/landing mechanics Hollow rocks Banded good mornings Banded rack release 10 minute AMRAP 5 STOH @115 10 DL @115 15 Box jumps 24/20
Jan 23 2014
Fitness For times 500 m row + 20 Push ups Rest 3 minutes 1000 m row + 15 Push ups Rest 3 minutes 1500 m row + 10 Push ups Keep stroke rate between 22-26, and find the pressure that will allow you to immediately start push ups Performance For times 500 m row + 20 Bench press @40% Rest 3 minutes 1000 m row + 15 Bench press @50% Rest 3 minutes 1500 m row + 10 Bench press @60 % Keep stroke rate between 22-26, and find the pressure that will allow you to immediately start pressing Sport 10 minutes Dead lift technique work Practice cycle times 2 rounds: 5 Push press 115/75 + 10 DL 115/75 + 15 step ups 24/20 Rest 3 minutes 2 rounds: 5 Push jerk 115/75 + 10 DL 115/75+ 15 box jump 24/20 (step down) 30 minutes of mobility