Feb 10 2014
Fitness and Performance Front Squats 5-5-5-5-5 25-20-15-10-5 Wall balls Box jumps KB swings Sport 3 minute clock 3 sets 20 DU 3 DL @255/155 then… AMRAP Burpees Rest 3 minutes 6 minute clock 5 sets 20 DU 3 Power clean @185/105 then… AMRAP Burpees Rest 3 minutes 9 minute clock 6 sets 20 DU 3 Snatch @135/75 AMRAP Burpees
Feb 8 2014
Fitness and Performance “5 K Shuttle” Teams of 2, For time: Both working at the same time, both complete all reps 1000 m row + 10 shuttle sprints 750 m row + 8 shuttle sprints 500 m row + 6 shuttle sprints 250 m row + 4 shuttle sprints Sprints are 1 length of gym floor divided in 2 equal parts Sport 15 minutes to complete ladder 10 snatches @75#/55# 8 snatches @95#/60# 6 snatches @115#/65# 4 snatches @135#/75# 2 snatches @155#/80# With time remaining 1 RM max weight Rest 5 minutes 6 minutes to establish your 3 RM OHS Rest 5 minutes 1000 m row @95% Rest 4 minutes 1000 m row @95%
Feb 07 2014
Fitness 4 sets DB chest press x 10-12 TRX Tricepss extension x 12-15 Flutter kicks x 50 Rest 45 seconds between each movement 3 rounds for time 15 Burpees 15 KB swings 15 sit ups Performance 4 sets: Ring dips x 3-6 T2B x 6-8 60 seconds DU practice Rest 45 seconds between each movement 3 rounds for time 15 Burpees 15 KB swings 24kg/16kg 15 sit ups Sport 5 minutes working on DU efficiency: Pick a number of UB DU that is realistic for you, complete the reps take 10 breathes then repeat 10 minutes working HS: Standing plate hold x 20-30 seconds 1/2 wall climb to support x 20-30 seconds Wall climb to full support (toes only) x 20-30 seconds Free standing x best effort 15 minutes working your weakness: Review the “Open” folder and discuss details and create a plan to attack that goat
Feb 06 2014
Fitness and Performance 6 x 500 m row Rest 3 minutes between efforts. Take 20 seconds off your 2K PR, then divide the total by 4. Now this is your 500 m pace Record time of each effort. Example: If your best 2K is 8:20 then -20 to give you 8:00 which means your pace should be 2:00. Sport 5 minute AMRAP Squat Clean and Jerks 165/105