Monthly Archives: April 2014

All levels Front Squats 5 x 2 @70% 3 second pause at full depth 3 rounds (at an easy pace) 60 seconds Rowing 60 seconds Skip rope 60 seconds Jogging 60 seconds Ski erg or Airdyne You should be breathing a little but able to carry on a conversation 10 minutes of mobility from our 101 class today

Fitness and Performance 3 sets: Russian swings x 10-15 Rest 60 seconds One arm DB Rows x 8-10 each Rest 60 seconds Side plank hold x 20 seconds each side Rest 60 seconds 4 minute clock x 3 400 m run 20 V sits AMRAP DU 3 minute rest Sport AM Workout: For time: 2000 m row 10 Snatch @65% 30 T2B 10 Snatch @65% 2000 m row PM Workout: Olympic Lifting
