Monthly Archives: May 2014

Fitness 10 minutes of: Thoracic mobility 3 sets: 30 on : 30 off supine hollow hold 3 sets: 30 on : 30 off DU practice 4 rounds for time: 250 m run 30 DU (100 SU) 20 sit ups Performance 10 minutes of: Thoracic mobility 3 sets: 30 on : 30 off hollow holds on hands 3 sets: 30 on : 30 off wall climb to support @30 degrees 4 rounds for time: 250 m run 30 DU 12 T2B Sport 10 minutes of: Thoracic mobility 3 sets: 30 on : 30 off hollow holds on hands 3 sets: 30 on : 30 off weight shift shoulder taps (wall support) 1 mile run Rest 3 minutes Row 1500 m Rest 3 minutes 1 mile run Record times separately    

Fitness and Performance T/TT 3000 m row @2 K +5 pace Work up to a “heavyish” 3 RM Back Squat then establish a 20 RM Back Squat Sport Rest Day Notes about Row: Take your best 2 K split time then add 5 seconds to establish the split you will maintain for the entire piece.  Example 2 K of 8 minutes = 2:00 split, therefore today’s effort will be at a 2:05 split. Work on establishing the perfect slide distance based on you leg length and hold for the entire piece. Notes about Squat: Find a comfortable rhythm for this effort and loading is approximately 50-60% based on your experience.  Consistent movement with a slight pause at the top to catch breathe will be key to success.  If you pause for more than 3 seconds at the top position your challenge is over.  If this is your first time attempting…

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Fitness DB waiter lunges x 20 (10 R, 10 L) Biceps curl x 12 -15 Hip thrust with sand bag x 6 temp0=21X2 4 minute clock x 3 20 KB swings 400 m run AMRAP Burpees Rest 3 minutes between efforts Performance Push press 3-3-3-3-3 4 minute clock x 3 20 KB swings 400 m run AMRAP Burpees Rest 3 minutes between efforts Sport Push press 3-3-3-3-3 For time: 800 m run 20 burpee box jump overs 400 m run 15 burpee box jump overs 250 m run 10 burpee box jumps overs

Fitness and Performance 3 sets of 10 Dead lifts @75% EMOM x 12 minutes Min 1-4 = Wall balls x Max reps x 30 seconds Min 5-8 = Row Sprints x 30 seconds Min 9-12 = Burpees x Max reps x 30 seconds Sport 10 x 2 Dead lifts @75% + band tension EMOM x 12 minutes Min 1-4 = Row sprints x 30 seconds Min 5-8 = HSPU x Max reps x 30 seconds Min 9-12 = Burpees x Max reps x 30 seconds
