Monthly Archives: June 2014

Fitness 15 minutes Back Squat technique 5-8 reps per set 12 minute goat session: Pick 2 movements EMOM Performance Back Squats 3-3-3-3-3 12 minute goat session: Pick 2 movements EMOM Sport 10 minutes 3 x 3 Drop snatch then Work up to a heavy hang Snatch then 3 x 3 Heaving Snatch balance Back Squats 6-4-4-2 12 minute goat session: Pick 2 movements EMOM

Fitness and Performance 5 sets: BB RDL x 5-8 Rest 60 seconds 1/2 TGU x 2 each side Rest 60 seconds Cossack Squats x 12 alternating Rest 60 seconds 3-5 sets: ME Sled push x 100 feet Rest as needed Sport Rest Day

Fitness 5 sets of complex: Incline push ups x 3-8 + Horizontal ring rows x 5-10 Rest 3 minutes For time: 30 wall balls 30 sit ups 60 SU 20 wall balls 20 sit ups 40 SU 10 wall balls 10 sit ups 20 SU Performance 5 sets of complex: Bench press x 3-5 + Weighted pull ups x 1-3 Rest 3 minutes For time: 30 wall balls 30 pull ups 20 wall balls 20 pull ups 10 wall balls 10 pull ups Sport 8 minutes: Establish Heavy Complex: 1 hang clean + 2 Front Squats 8 minutes: Establish 3 RM Jerk 4 sets: 5-8 weighted strict pull ups For time: 9-6-3 Strict HSPU Front Squats @85% of today’s complex Burpees over bar

Fitness and Performance T/TT For times: 2500 m  @2K+5 Rest 5 minutes 2000 m @ 2K+3 Rest 5 minutes 1500 m @2K+1 Use your rest time wisely: mobilize hips, gluts, adductors Sport 10 minutes: Establish 1 RM Snatch 10 minutes: Establish 1 RM C&J EMOM x 10 3 Snatch @60% of today’s effort 1 MU Add 1 MU each set until you fail then start back at 1    
