July 26 2014
Fitness and Performance Teams of 2, For time: 1000 m row relay 80 wall balls (alternating every 20 reps) 40 sit ups (in unison) 800 m run, relay 60 DU (alternating every 10 reps) 30 KB swings (in unison) 40 box jumps (alternating every 5 reps) 20 burpees (in unison) Sport 3 minute clock 3 sets 20 DU + 3 DL @275/185 + AMRAP Burpees Rest 3 minutes 6 minute clock 4 sets 20 DU + 3 power cleans @185/105 + AMRAP Burpees Rest 3 minutes 9 minute clock 5 sets 20 DU + 3 power snatch @135/85 + AMRAP Burpees Compare to Feb 10 2014
July 25 2014
Fitness 3 sets Band revers fly’s x 18’s (W-T-Y) One arm DB row x 6-8 Plank hold x 45 sec 3 rounds for time 400 m run 25 KB swings 20 TRX/ring rows Performance 3 sets: TRX reverse fly’s x 18’s (T-Y-I) HS hold x 20 seconds Tight kip on bar x 8 3 rounds 400 m run 21 KB swings 12 pull ups Sport 10 minutes Work up to a heavy jerk For time 1000 m row Then… 5 rounds 25 pull ups 7 jerks 135/85
July 24 2014
Fitness Dead lift 10-10-8-8-6-6 Back squats 3-3-3-3-3 Pull up workout #6 set 1) x6 set 2) x5 set 3) x4 set 4) x3 set 5) x max effort Rest as needed to complete reps strict Performance Dead lift 3-3-3-3-3 Back squats 3-3-3-3-3 3 sets: Weighted pullups x3RM Sport 15 minutes 1 RM Snatch 15 minutes 1 RM Clean and Jerk Front Squat 5-4-3-2-1-1
July 23 2014
Fitness and Performance 12 minutes: goat work EMOM Movements and reps will be discussed based on experience 3 sets: Descending loading for times: 100′ sled drag 100/75 – 75/50 – 50/25 Rest 60 seconds between sprints Sport Rest Day