Monthly Archives: July 2014

Fitness and Performance 3 sets: Cossack squats x12 60 seconds rest Plank hold x45 sec 60 seconds rest Skipping practice x 60 sec 60 seconds rest 12 minute AMRAP 250 m row 250 m run 10 burpees Sport 3 sets: Box shoulder stretch x 30 sec 60 seconds rest Seal walks x 3o’ 60 seconds rest Chest to wall HS hold x 30 sec 60 seconds rest 12 minute AMRAP 30 feet HS walk 100 front rack sand bag walk 90/60 20 CTB pull ups  

Fitness and Performance 3 sets: Band reverse fly’s x 18’s Bird dogs x 6 (3 sec pause) 1/2 TGU x 3 each 3 minute clock x 3 10 pull ups 20 push ups 30 sit ups 40 air squats Rest 3 minutes Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes, then rest 3 minutes, and start the additional sets where you left off. Sport Rest day

Fitness and Performance Canada turns 147 today Teams of 2, Complete 147 reps from each category, 3-5 sets with one movement per set Minimum 2 movements per category M: Row Cals Ski Cals Airdyne Cals Run (250 m = 25) G: V sits Burpees Step ups/Box jumps Pull ups W: KB swings Wall balls DB push press Sand bag squats Workout example: 50 calorie row 50 V sits 50 wall balls 250 m run each 50 pull ups 50 KB swings 47 calorie Ski 47 burpees 47 DB push press Sport For time: 20 Deadlifts 275/185 Run 400m 20 KB swings 32/24 Run 400m 20 Overhead Squats 115/75 Run 400m 20 Burpees Run 400m 20 CTB Pullups Run 400m 20 Box jumps 24/20 Run 400m 20 DB Squat Cleans 40/30 Run 400m
