Monthly Archives: August 2014

At Rebel Fitness – Howe Sound CrossFit, we strive to provide a progressive professional training environment for all members.  And proud to be part of a global community that is CrossFit. CrossFit has come a long way over the years, with over 10,000 affiliates worldwide now, incredible growth, and maybe most noticeably the transformation in the CrossFit Games. We as an affiliate are proud to stick to the basics that got CrossFit started:  Virtuosity The following taken from the CrossFit Journal: …There is plenty of time within an hour session to warm up, practice a basic movement or skill or pursue a new PR or max lift, discuss and critique the athletes’ efforts, and then pound out a tight little couplet or triplet utilizing these skills or just play. CrossFit trainers have the tools to be the best trainers on earth. We want virtuosity!! Some food for thought: Virtuosity The…

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Fitness and Performance 20 minute AMMAP E2MO2M 10 wall balls Record total distance Sport 20 minute goat session Pick 2 movements and alternate E2MOM Reps will be given based on experience and difficulty  

Hey ya’ll September is just around the corner…days are getting shorter and mornings are a little bit darker and colder. New Schedule as of September 1, 2014 (Note: September 1 is holiday schedule 8am and 11 am only) Monday: 8 am – 11 am – 5 pm – 6 pm Tuesday: 8 am – 11 am – 5 pm – 6 pm Wednesday: 7 am – 8 am – 11 am – 5 pm – 6 pm Thursday: 8 am – 11 am – 5 pm – 6 pm Friday: 7 am – 8 am – 11 am – 5 pm – 6 pm (yoga) Saturday: 10 am – 11 am (open gym) Please note that the schedule evolves based on attendance and requests. If you have suggestions for additional class times do not hesitate to let us know.

Fitness and Performance 4 sets DB bulgarian split squats x 6-8 each Rest 60 seconds BB push press x 8-10 Rest 60 seconds 60 seconds DU practice 10 minute AMRAP 10 Heavy russian swings 5 burpees 100′ shuttle run Sport 15 minutes Establish 3 RM C&J 20 seconds max between reps, no touch and go 10 minute AMRAP 5 DL @225/155 + 100′ shuttle run Add 1 DL on each additional set
