Fitness and Performance
Back Squats
Push press
Core work: (x3)
30 sec Hollow hold
30 sec rest
30 sec russian twist
30 sec rest
Monday 2-a-day
WOD #1
5 sets of 2 @85%
Push press
5 sets of 3 @80%
Snatch pulls
3 sets of 3 @95%
WOD #2
5 min AMRAP
30 wall balls
30 burpees
30 wall balls
20 burpees
30 wall balls
10 burpees
Rest 5 minutes
For time:
OHS 135/85
CTB Pull ups
Rest 5 minutes
5 min AMRAP
(start where you left off)
30 wall balls
30 burpees
30 wall balls
20 burpees
30 wall balls
10 burpees
Compare to Feb.15.2014