Monthly Archives: November 2014

Fitness 5 sets for times: 500 m row + 12 push ups Rest 3 minutes Record the differential  Performance For times: 500 m row + 21 push ups 500 m row + 15 ring dips 500 m row + 9 HSPU 500 m row + 15 ring dips 500 m row + 21 push ups Rest 3 minutes between efforts Record the differential Sport Rest day Prep for WOD Throwdown WOD#4

Fitness and Performance 4 sets of complex: Single arm + single leg KB DL x 8-10 each leg Bent over BB Row x 5-8 Skipping practice x 30 – 45 sec Rest 60 seconds For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Pull ups KB swings Between each movement = 20 DU or 60 SU Sport 5 sets: Deficit Snatch grip DL x 3 *Narrow the grip on each rep: Snatch grip – clean grip – DL grip 5 sets: Pendlay Row x 3 For reps 0-5 minutes: 800 m row + AMRAP Burpees 5-10 minutes: 800 m row + AMRAP Thrusters 95/65  

Fitness and Performance Back Squats 5-5-5-5-5 Push press 5-5-5-5-5 Core work: (x3) 30 sec Hollow hold 30 sec rest 30 sec russian twist 30 sec rest Sport Monday 2-a-day WOD #1 HBBS 5 sets of 2 @85% Push press 5 sets of 3 @80% Snatch pulls 3 sets of 3 @95% WOD #2 5 min AMRAP 30 wall balls 30 burpees 30 wall balls 20 burpees 30 wall balls 10 burpees Rest 5 minutes For time: 12-9-6 OHS 135/85 CTB Pull ups Rest 5 minutes 5 min AMRAP (start where you left off) 30 wall balls 30 burpees 30 wall balls 20 burpees 30 wall balls 10 burpees Compare to Feb.15.2014  

Programming for November 2014: Fitness The “Look good naked” program from October required isolation techniques and tempo training to increase strength and stability in specific areas. November will continue with isolation exercises and increase BB work specifically the Squat, Press, DL and Bench. Also some shorter CrossFit Metcons layered on top. Performance We will start to increase the strength priority here specifically the BB lifts, and play around a bit with the speed lifts. Also kick up a notch with the CrossFit training with some repeats and Bench mark WODs. Sport The CrossFit open is fast approaching. We will start increasing the number of MetCons during this cycle. Strength is priority: We will complete our Olympic lifting strength cycle, deload 1 week then… start a 6 week squat cycle. Oh yeah and a whole bunch of CrossFit training. Also we will start 2-a-days on Mondays and Fridays. FINAL THOUGHT: CrossFit…

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