Dec 2 2014
All levels 20 min AMMAP Every 2 minutes = 10 wall balls Start with 10 wall balls Compare to August results 15 minutes: Hip & Glut MOB Direction will be given during class
Dec 1 2014
December programming notes: December we start a 6 week squat cycle. Expect a Squat and strength WOD on Monday’s and Thursday’s each week with a variety of rep schemes and percentages. Tuesday’s and Friday’s will be CrossFit MetCon’s, keeping Saturday’s our Team training and finishing up the month with the famous “12 days of Rebellion WOD.” All levels Squat 6/1 6 x 70% – 1 x 90% 6 x 73% – 1 x 93% 6 x 75% – 1 x 95% Power cleans 5 x 3 5 sets of complex: Alternating DB shoulder press x 5-8 each Strict Ring pull up x 3 – 6 Recovery Day WOD For those that participated in the Team Winter Challenge Keep the intensity low and take your time with each movement, the goal is to keep moving! 20 minute AMRAP 400 m row or 300 m ski DB chest press with medium loading…