Jan 27 2015
Fitness and Performance 10 minutes: Review and set up pull up progressions Shoulder & Pec prep for bench press 5 sets of complex: 5-8 bench press + max reps pull ups (based on your progression) Rest 2-3 minutes between sets Sport 2000 m row every 250 m = 1 round of “Cindy” or “Mary”
Jan 26 2015
Fitness 10 minutes: Working on squat mechanics and mobility Rowing warmup: 5 strokes @20-22 5 strokes @22-24 5 strokes @24-26 5 strokes @26-28 5 strokes @28-30 5 strokes @30+ Maintain proper slide while increasing pressure Teams of 2, both working and both complete the following 4 RFT 500 m row 50 air squats Performance and Sport 3 minute AMRAP 15 CTB 10 thrusters 95/65 5 Burpee over bar 3 minute Rest 3 minute AMRAP 7 HSPU 7 Dead lifts 225/155 3 minute Rest 3 minute AMRAP 20 DU 15 KB swings 10 T2B 3 minute Rest 3 minute AMRAP 15 CTB 10 thrusters 95/65 5 burpee over bar 3 minute AMRAP 7 HSPU 7 Dead lifts 225/155 3 minute Rest 3 minute AMRAP 20 DU 15 KB swings 12 T2B
Jan 24 2015
Fitness and Performance Part one: 15 minutes: Establish 3 RM Bench press 5 Rounds: Max reps pushups + Air squats Perform push ups to failure then start air squats Must complete 50 reps between the 2 movements Score is time and # of push ups Sport 15 minutes: Establish 1 RM Snatch Opex Winter Classic 2014 40 Back Squats 75/55 40 Calorie Row 30 Front Squats 75/55 30 Calorie Row 20 OHS 75/55 20 Calorie Compare to Dec 13 2014
Jan 23 2015
Fitness and Performance ROW’D ROYALTY WOD # 3 Strapless rowing prep: Legs only x 10 pulls then… Pause (below knee) recovery x 10 pulls then.. Full strokes x 10 pulls 500 m row 30 burpees over the erg 2000 m row Set the monitor with a 2 minute rest between efforts. You have 2 minutes to complete the burpees. Any additional time on the burpees will be added to the 2 K time. Sport PART A) ROW’D ROYALTY WOD # 3 500 m row 30 burpees over the erg 2000 m row Set the monitor with a 2 minute rest between efforts. You have 2 minutes to complete the burpees. Any additional time on the burpees will be added to the 2 K time. PART B) 15 minutes Snatch technique work 3 position Snatches @50-65% (power position, above the knee, floor) E2MO2M x 3-6 10 UB CTB pull ups +…