Monthly Archives: January 2015

Fitness and Performance 2000 m row Every 250 m get off the erg and perform 1 round of Cindy Performance = wear the vest 🙂 Sport 8 minutes EMOM x 2 3 Power snatch T&G 75/45 EMOM x 2 2 Power snatch T&G 135/75 EMOM x 2 1 Power snatch @165/120 EMOM x 2 4 Burpees w/target CrossFit Open WOD 13.1 17 minute AMRAP 40 Burpees 30 Snatch @75/45 30 Burpees 30 Snatch @135/75 20 Burpees 30 Snatch @165/100 10 Burpees AMRAP Snatch @210/120 Review your previous attempt and discuss goal with your trainer  

ONLINE ROWING COMPETITION: Every week for the next 4 weeks a new rowing workout will be announced every Wednesday at noon and we will have until Monday to complete and submit a score. You will see the WOD posted on the Rebel WOD Blog each Thursday. Please discuss the best time to perform the Rowing WOD with your trainer. LINK FOR MORE INFO Fitness 5 sets: Russian step ups x 6-8 each leg DB Chest press x 10-12 V sits x 10-15 Rest 90 seconds 12 minute AMRAP 10 Box jumps 15 KB swings 20 Mt. Climbers Performance and Sport Front Squats EMOM x 5 2 x 1 & 1/4 @50% Push press EMOM x 5 3 @50% 2-3 rounds 10-30 UB DU 2-5 MU Rest 1:2 Open WOD 13.3 12 minute AMRAP 150 Wall balls 20/14 90 DU 30 MU Compare to 2013 results

  Fitness and Performance Start the clock 1000 m row 50 wall balls 30 pull ups @15 minutes on the clock 5 sets: 60 seconds = 15 KB swings + AMRAP DU 60 seconds Rest @30 minutes on the clock EMOM x 10 Goat work Pick 2 skills and reps will be given based on experience Sport Start the clock 0:00 “Jackie” @15 minute clock 2 RFT 4 Squat clean thrusters 155/105 12 GHD sit ups 50 DU @30 minute clock take 10 minutes to establish 1 RM Snatch    

2015 is here! SQUAT TEST: In January the past 6 weeks of hard work will be tested with the 1RM Back squat. Make sure to review the past 6 weeks of training then discuss your goal with one of your trainers. We’re all really excited to observe the results. ONLINE ROWING COMPETITION: Row’d Royalty was born in 2012 at Diablo CrossFit in Pleasant Hill, California. Several athletes claimed to be the “best rower in the gym” and were eager to prove themselves. All members were encouraged to participate, even if only for fun. The response was incredible, and everyone had a blast – because anyone can row! This year, Diablo is opening Row’d Royalty to the whole CrossFit community. Let’s find out who the best rowers are in our affiliates and in our community! Each week, Starting January 7th, for 4 weeks a rowing workout will be announced. You’ll have 5…

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