Feb 2 2015
February programming: February programming is all about classic CrossFit. Expect couplets, triplets, and plenty of variety . The training volume will be high for the first three weeks leading to an unload week before the first announcement of the CrossFit Open 15.1. Our Friday noon skill sessions will remain all the way through the open to allow extra time for addressing weaknesses relative to the Open requirements. Fitness Team of 2, “TARGET PRACTICE” Row 100 m for every M over or under 100 = 2 Burpee penalty First team to 2000 m = winner (Example if you pull 98 m = 4 burpees) Back Squats 6 @70%, 4 @80%, 2 @90%, Max UB reps @85% Performance and Sport 10 minutes Work up to heavy Power Clean & Reflex Power Jerk 5 minute AMRAP “Nate” Back Squats 6 @70%, 4 @80%, 2 @90%, Max UB reps @85% 10 minute light row…