March 27 2015
Fitness and Performance 4 sets NFT: Alt DB shoulder press x 6-8 each Bridge hip press x 5-8 (pause at top) Active bar hang x 20-30 seconds Band lateral duck walks x 10 ea 10 minute AMRAP 10 KB Swings Front Rack KB walking lunges x 1 length 10 Burpees Sport Well the CrossFit Open 15.5 WOD is a lot like our Monday workout. You should have a good idea of pacing from that effort. 10 minutes: Figure out your favorite rower and the proper damper setting to maximize your calories Testing plan will be given in class 10-15 minutes: Hip, ankle and Front rack MOB Direction will be given in class 10 minutes: Design the proper rep scheme for your thrusters…if going UB is not possible? Building a structured plan around each piece is essential. # of sets and rest times will need to be managed very well. For…
March 26 2015
WOD Notes: Today is focused on developing strict gymnastics movements. The goal should be perfection on each movement and make sure to break up reps if position becomes compromised. Maintaining hollow will be key today. Fitness and Performance 4 sets NFT: Banded reverse fly’s x 12 Roving plank x 10 steps 30-45 seconds of skipping practice EMOM x 15 Minute 1 = Horizontal rows (in rack) or strict pull ups x 5-8 Minute 2 = 3-6 push ups Minute 3 = Hollow Rock x 20-30 seconds Sport Rest Day 15-20 minutes of your individual mobility needs 20-30 minutes of active recovery, walking, hiking, swimming, biking 10 minutes of mental restoration, meditation, yoga,
March 25 2015
All levels Speed development WOD Today’s WOD is all about developing speed, specifically with the lower body using a controlled high box jump. The height required for this WOD is relative to your experience level, we just ask that you challenge yourself today and have fun. MOB: Banded hip release Prep: 3 sets NFT Supine banded leg kicks x 6 each Supine banded leg press x 6 each Dowel OHS x 8 Mt. climbers x 10 5 sets of complex: 3 Dead lifts + 2 seated high box jumps Rest 2-3 minutes between sets and increase load on Dead lifts up to 85% based on feel, increase height of box jump based on success and control at the top Sport (bonus work) NFT 5-4-3-2-1 MU Burpees box jumps 30/24
March 24 2015
All levels “skill development WOD” The goal today is to develop an efficient catch – drive and recovery position on the rowers and increasing jump rope volume while staying relaxed. Teams of 2, both working at the same time 3 sets: 5 minute AMRAP One person rowing the other person skipping rope 3 minute Rest Every 100 DU you must perform 25 Heavy Russian swings Switch stations anytime the team decides Score = 10% of row + # of DU (SU divide x 3)