Monthly Archives: March 2015

Fitness and Performance “Goat Day” 24 minute EMOM Pick 3 movements that require some time and attention to improve at Then repeat the necessary number of reps each Minute on the minute Sport Rest Day

Fitness 12 minutes Work up to heavy 3 Front Squat Rest 3 minutes then: Max UB reps @ 85% of today’s number 12 minutes Work up to heavy 3 Push press Rest 3 minutes then: Max UB reps @ 85% of today’s number Performance and Sport 5 sets of complex 1 Thruster 1 Push press 1 Split Jerk Light rowing between each effort

Fitness Buy in: 1000 m row @20-22 SPM x 5 3 minute AMRAP 5 Burpees 10 Squats 15 Ab mat sit ups Continue where you left off Rest 1 minute between each set Cash out: Pec/Quad mobility to be guided from trainer Performance and Sport Buy in: 3 sets NFT 10 KB Snatch 24/16 6 GHD hip extensions 20-30 UB DU x 5 3 minute AMRAP 3 CTB Pull ups 6 Box jumps 24/20 9 Wall balls 20/14 Continue where you left off, go hard on this one Rest 1 minutes between each set Cash out: 1000 m row @18-22 SPM low intensity    

March programming is focused on maintaining strength and conditioning during the Open 2015 without taxing the body in a major way. Here is our general weekly breakdown: Monday = gymnastics, Tuesday = intervals, Wednesday = strength, Thursday = longer conditioning or rest, Friday = Open practice WOD Saturday = Open WOD community day. Fitness 3 sets: Ring Pull ups x 5-8 Russian step ups x 6-8 each leg Plank hold x 45 seconds EMOM x 15 minute one = OHS with pause @bottom(5 sec) x 3- 5 minute two = Diamond push ups x 5-8 minute three = Mt. Climbers x 20 Performance and Sport 3 sets NFT 10 Box jumps 8 Pistols 6 Push ups 5-4-3-2-1 Back Squats @ Body weight Strict HSPU 15 minutes Flush to be discussed in class  
