March 5 2015
Fitness and Performance “Goat Day” 24 minute EMOM Pick 3 movements that require some time and attention to improve at Then repeat the necessary number of reps each Minute on the minute Sport Rest Day
March 4 2015
Fitness 12 minutes Work up to heavy 3 Front Squat Rest 3 minutes then: Max UB reps @ 85% of today’s number 12 minutes Work up to heavy 3 Push press Rest 3 minutes then: Max UB reps @ 85% of today’s number Performance and Sport 5 sets of complex 1 Thruster 1 Push press 1 Split Jerk Light rowing between each effort
March 3 2015
Fitness Buy in: 1000 m row @20-22 SPM x 5 3 minute AMRAP 5 Burpees 10 Squats 15 Ab mat sit ups Continue where you left off Rest 1 minute between each set Cash out: Pec/Quad mobility to be guided from trainer Performance and Sport Buy in: 3 sets NFT 10 KB Snatch 24/16 6 GHD hip extensions 20-30 UB DU x 5 3 minute AMRAP 3 CTB Pull ups 6 Box jumps 24/20 9 Wall balls 20/14 Continue where you left off, go hard on this one Rest 1 minutes between each set Cash out: 1000 m row @18-22 SPM low intensity
March 2 2015
March programming is focused on maintaining strength and conditioning during the Open 2015 without taxing the body in a major way. Here is our general weekly breakdown: Monday = gymnastics, Tuesday = intervals, Wednesday = strength, Thursday = longer conditioning or rest, Friday = Open practice WOD Saturday = Open WOD community day. Fitness 3 sets: Ring Pull ups x 5-8 Russian step ups x 6-8 each leg Plank hold x 45 seconds EMOM x 15 minute one = OHS with pause @bottom(5 sec) x 3- 5 minute two = Diamond push ups x 5-8 minute three = Mt. Climbers x 20 Performance and Sport 3 sets NFT 10 Box jumps 8 Pistols 6 Push ups 5-4-3-2-1 Back Squats @ Body weight Strict HSPU 15 minutes Flush to be discussed in class