June 18 2015

June 18 2015


Today is a team effort. Both athletes will row alternating 500 m sprints, when off the rower the athlete will complete a single set of UB T2B or V sits. They must complete 25 reps total, so the remaining reps will be completed by performing slam balls.  Example if you complete 12 T2B then you must complete 13 slam ball reps.

Fitness and Performance

Teams of 2,
For time
5000 m row
Switch partners every 500 m
Partner  while off the rower must complete 25 reps
Max UB T2B or V sit
Then slam balls to make up the difference


5 sets of complex:
Push press + BTN Jerk + Split jerk (hold for 5 sec)

EMOM “Death by”
5 Cal Airdyne
5 Cal Ski erg
5 Burpees

Continue adding 1 rep each round until failure, eliminate the failed station and continue adding until all stations fail you.

