Monthly Archives: June 2015

You know what time it is!!!

WOD NOTES: A classic twist on the push/pull workout. A focused effort on maintaining a tight body during the strict press is key. Isolation of the upper back muscles during the row will reap huge benefits. Fitness and Performance 5 sets: Strict Shoulder press x 6-10 reps One arm DB Row x 10-12 each Band reverse fly’s x 12’s 10 minute AMRAP 5 push ups 10 Air squats 15 Ab mat sit ups Sport Rest Day

WOD NOTES: Working your strict pulling power today. Each piece will require a focused mind and controlled effort. Then we top it off with another little cardio session to you by Ali. Fitness 1 a) 5 x 5 Australian pullups 1 b) 3 x 2 Negatives 1 c) 3 x 1 pull-to-stand on rope Teams of 2, 6 sets each 250 m row 250 m run Sport and Performance 1 a) False grip ring puls 4 x 3 1 b) Dip negatives to lower 3 x 1 1 c) Assisted MU (working transition) 3 x 3 Teams of 2, 6 sets each 250 m row 250 m run    

WOD NOTES: Working on developing powerful hips. The Russian or “hard” swing is essential for power development. Step out of you comfort zone today and try a new KB colour. Fitness Russian Swing 10-8-8-5-5 + High box jump 3-2-2-1-1 8 minute AMRAP 10 KB Swings 1 KB Clean Front rack carry 100′ 12 V sits or T2B Performance and Sport Clean + Hang clean 1-1-1-1-1 Seated box jump 1-1-1-1-1 8 minute AMRAP 3 Sand bag hang cleans 100/70 100′ bag carry 1 rope climb
