Aug 13 2015

Aug 13 2015


So, you’ve been using the 10# med ball for all your WOD’s and one of your future goals is to RX “Karen”!
Well….here’s some training to help you build some extra glute power.
Move quickly “out-of-th-hole” and get that heavy ball up there!!!
You can do it!!!

Fitness and Performance

2 x 5 Wall Squats
2 x 5 Banded air squats
2 x 5 Goblet squats

4 sets:
Bulgarian Split squats x 8-12 each
Banded Hip Thrust x 15 reps
Heavy Wall Ball 8-12 reps


3 sets
Wall Squats x 5
Prayer stretch x 45 sec
Wrist Mob x 60 sec

5 sets:
5 Heavy Front Squats + 30 seconds ME Airdyne
Rest 3 minutes

Score = Front Squat weight + Cals
