Aug 26 2015
WOD NOTES: Today’s effort will be a breather. Pacing, not racing is the name of the game today. Fitness and Performance 20 minute AMRAP 60 DU 50 Calorie Row 40 KB swings 30 Wall balls 20 Burpees Sport Rest Day
Aug 25 2015
WOD NOTES: We continue with our August complex and drop sets. This will be a mix of pushing and pulling. The sled pull will be a great test of grip strength. Fitness and Performance 15 minutes Establish 1 RM Push press Then… 2 Push press @90% + 1 sled pull (hand over hand) 3 Push press @80% + 1 sled pull (hand over hand) 5 Push press @70% + 1 sled pull (hand over hand) 8 Push press @60% + 1 sled pull (hand over hand) Rest 2-3 minutes between efforts Sport For time: 800 m run 25 Sand bag ground-to-shoulder 100/70 25 Box jump overs 25 CTB 50 Wall balls 20/14 25 CTB 25 Box jump overs 25 Sand bag ground-to-shoulder 100/70
Fall Shedule changes
Days are slowly getting shorter, our mornings now require some extra clothing, this must mean that fall is just around the corner. As the season’s change so does our gym schedule. Our schedule has and always will evolve based on member needs and requests. NEW CLASSES AND TIMES? 9 am Wednesday and Friday – All Levels 6:30 pm Thursday – All Levels 12 noon Tuesday and Thursday – Olympic Weightlifting and Sport Level class 9 am Saturday – All Levels 10 am Saturday – Olympic Weightlifting and Sport Level class The Sport Level classes are 1.5 hours in length to allow enough time to complete the required volume. Classes run 3x week with a focus on building a solid Olympic Weightlifting base, advanced gymnastics and fitness as a sport. As always if there is enough request for additional class times? We are happy to include them on the weekly schedule.…
Aug 24 2015
WOD NOTES: Today we work on strengthening your strict pullup. The strict pull up is essential before kipping. Fitness Pull up development: Part one: 3 sets of 8-12 banded pull ups No bouncing off the band, this is a strict movement that starts from a “dead hang” If you can complete 12 reps? Reduce the band assistance Part two: Accumulate 30 Supinated horizontal ring rows This should take you 3-4 sets Part three: Accumulate 50 band reverse fly’s Then… 4 sets: Single leg KB Dead lift x 6-10 reps Incline DB Chest press x 8-12 reps Hollow rocks x 10-15 reps Performance For time 40 Ab mat sit ups 10 Strict Pull ups 50 m Run with sand bag 45/30 30 Ab mat sit ups 8 Strict Pull ups 50 m Run with sand bag 45/30 20 Ab mat sit ups 6 Strict Pull ups 50 m Run with sand…