Aug 8 2015
WOD NOTES: The next REBEL benchmark WOD is up. “Rise and Shine” 40 calorie Row 30 Sit ups 20 Burpees 10 Dead lifts 185/135 40 Wall balls 20/14 10 Dead lifts 185/135 20 Burpees 30 Sit ups 40 calorie Row
Aug 7 2015
WOD NOTES: Just a simple, “get the work done” kinda WOD. The Squats can be partitioned any way you want, at any point you want. All Levels For time: 100 Air Squats 1 mile Sand bag Carry 30/45
Aug 6 2015
WOD NOTES: Drop sets are a serious challenge. The push ups and ring dips will provide a “pump” in the chest and triceps. The focus for today’s effort is to build some upper body muscular endurance. #jackedandtanned Fitness 5 sets: Seated DB Press x 3-5 reps Elbows out ring row x 10-12 Band reverse flys x 12 3 sets: Triangle push up x max reps + standard pushup x max reps + push ups on box x max reps Rest 2-3 minutes between efforts Performance and Sport 5 sets Seated DB press x 3-5 reps False grip hinge rows x 5-8 Straight arm tuck x 10 sec 3 sets: Weighted ring dips x max reps + Strict ring dips x max reps + Kipping ring dips x max reps Rest 2-3 minutes between efforts
Aug 5 2015
WOD NOTES: Another REBEL benchmark WOD is up. Fitness 15 minute AMRAP 1 Monkey Crawl 10 SU 1 Bear Crawl 10 Sit ups 1 Frogger 10 Step ups Multiply each round by the number your in x 2, x 3, x 4, x 5, etc… Performance and Sport “NEEDLES” 15 minute AMRAP 1 Wall Climb 10 DU 1 Pistols each leg 10 Sit ups 1 Rope climb 10 Box jump overs Multiply each round by the number your in x 2, x 3, x 4, x 5, etc…