Oct 3 2015
WOD NOTES: Long interval training today. Creating a plan and communication will be essential to maximize reps today. Fitness and Performance 20 minute AMRAP Teams of 2, alternating as needed 30 Burpees 40 Calorie Assault/Airdyne 50 Wall balls 60 KB Swings Sport We finish off our testing week with a mock up WL competition. 20 minutes To warm up the Snatch Then… 3 attempts to find 1 RM Snatch 20 minutes To warm up the C&J Then 3 attempts to find 1 RM C&J
Oct 2 2015
WOD NOTES: This will be a good test of your muscular endurance. Quality reps are essential today. Fitness 8 minute AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16 etc… Push ups Russian Twist 14/10 Rest 4 minutes 8 minute AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16 etc… Russian Step ups DU Performance 8 minute AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16 etc… Push ups T2B Rest 4 minutes 8 minute AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16 etc… Pistols DU x 10 Sport Light Snatch technique work Light C&J technique work Plan and decide on your plan for Saturday’s Max out
Oct 1 2015
WOD NOTES: Today is the day! We’ve worked hard the past 5 week. Now it’s time to see if that hard work has paid off? Good luck everyone!! Fitness warm up NFT: 500 m row 20 walking lunges 20 ring rows 20 scapular push ups skill work: 5 sets 30 seconds DU practice 30 seconds Rest WOD: Accumulate time, in the fewest sets possible: 1:00 minute Handstand hold 2:00 minutes Active bar hang 4:00 minutes Sitting in Squat 2:00 minutes Hollow hold 1:00 minute Support on rings Performance Build up to 1 RM Back Squat Sport 30 minutes Build up to 1 RM Snatch With time remaining Build up to 1 RM Back Squat