Monthly Archives: November 2015

WOD NOTES: Some straight forward strength development. All levels Bent over Barbell Rows  4 x 10-12 Sport = Pendlay Rows 4 x 6-8 4 sets NFT: Straight arm band pull downs x 15 Supine DB Pull overs x 8-10 Supinated grip strict pull ups x 5-8 Core finisher: 4 x 15 seconds L – Sits 3 x 20 Hollow rocks Rest 90 seconds to 1:20 seconds between efforts

WOD NOTES: This is a classic CrossFit WOD. Each movement will be performed with 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. Maintain your quality, if you become too fatigued and can no longer complete full ROM, don’t sweat it! Take a little extra rest and then get back in the game. Fitness and Performance “Tabata something else” Pull ups Push ups Sit ups Air squats 8 sets of each movement. Total of 32 intervals with no rest between movements. Sport Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Snatch Pulls 5 x 2 @110% 5 sets: 3 minute clock 2 rounds 10 OHS 95/65 10 CTB Rest with time remaining

WOD NOTES: The REBEL triathlon is a long, varied cardio piece. Lock in to a pace you can manage for the long haul. Good luck, and we look forward to collecting a bunch of data today. Pick your own adventure Option #1 REBEL Triathlon 5 2500 m Row 1500 m Assault Bike 1000 m Ski Option #2 REBEL Triathlon 8 4000 m Row 2500 m Assault Bike 1500 m Ski erg Option #3 REBEL Triathlon 10 5000 m row 3000 m Assault Bike 2000 m Ski erg

WOD NOTES: Today is a day full of play. Movement quality is always essential but having some fun is important. KB loading should be challenging while maintaining control. Repeat from August.14.2015 Fitness x 2 60 seconds two arm swings 60 seconds Bear Crawl forward/backward 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds one arm swings 60 seconds Frogger forward/backward 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds bottoms up KB press or push press 60 seconds Monkey Crawls forward/back 60 seconds Rest Performance x 2 60 seconds one arm swings 60 seconds Bear Crawl forward/backward 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds KB Snatch 60 seconds Frogger forward/backward 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds KB Jerks 60 seconds Monkey Crawls forward/back 60 seconds Rest Sport 5 x 1 Pause Snatch (3 sec at knee) + 1 Pause Hang Snatch (3 sec at knee) Each effort between 75-80% Block Jerks 5 x 3 Pause for 3 seconds in the lock…

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