Nov 11 2015
WOD NOTES: Today is a HERO WOD. This workout will be performed in teams of 2. One person will perform the Squats while the other is rowing. The row can switch as many times as needed. The workout is complete when both athletes complete the squats and the monitor reads 7000m. Special Agent Nathan “Ned” Schuldheiss, 27, of Newport, Rhode Island, a civilian assigned to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Detachment 204 Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, died Nov. 1, 2007 near Balad Air Base, Iraq, of wounds sustained from an improvised-explosive device that struck his vehicle. Schuldheiss is survived by his father, retired Lt. Col. Jeff Schuldheiss; mother, Sarah Conlan; stepfather, Kris Mills; and sister, Erin Dreeszen. Ned 7 rounds for time of: 11 body-weight back squats 1,000-meter row
Nov 10 2015
WOD NOTES: Today we are combining some upper body strength development with some rowing active recovery. The rowing pieces should be smooth and controlled full strokes maintaining the required SPM. Set the monitors for <New workout <single time <2 minutes Fitness and Performance 5 sets: One arm DB Row x 10-12 reps Rest 60 seconds Bench press x 8-12 reps Rest 60 seconds 2 minutes on rowing machine @20,@22,@24,@26,@28+ Sport Power Snatch + 2 OHS x 5 sets ME Clean + Hang clean and jerk x 5 sets ME Front Squats 2 x 2 @90% EMOM x 10 5 KB Snatch right + 5 KB Snatch left Maintain form, control and keep it smooth. You should have about 15 seconds before starting the next minute.
Nov 09 2015
WOD NOTES: Two short AMRAPs to test your fitness today. High rep deadlifts are a test of your stability and position under fatigue. Break your reps into piece that allow great position and efficient movement. Keep active during your rest. Fitness 7 minute AMRAP 2-4-6-8 and so on… Dead lifts @65% Push ups Rest 7 minutes 7 minute AMRAP 2-4-6-8 and so on… Heavy KB Swings Skaters each side Performance and Sport 7 minute AMRAP 2-4-6-8 and so on… Dead lifts sport 225/155 performance 185/115 Strict HSPU Rest 7 minutes 7 minute AMRAP 2-4-6-8 and so on… Power cleans 155/105 Pistols
Nov 07 2015
WOD NOTES: Today is a team effort. Teams of 3, alternating stations when available. Each team member starts at a different station. Fitness and Performance 5 rounds each for time: 30 Calorie Row 20 Wall balls 15 Burpees Sport Snatch 3 x 1 @90% C & J 3 x 1 @90% HBBS 4 x 2 @90% 2 minute AMRAP Power clean 155/105 Rest 2 minutes 2 minute AMRAP OHS 115/75