Dec 1 2015

Dec 1 2015

Expect a lot of workout variety this month.
We will start a new structured cycle in the new year.

Today we practice the power clean followed by a IWT WOD.
The dead lift loading will be performed with your heaviest power clean weight.
Dead lift tempo: 3121

Fitness and Performance

15 minutes
Work up to a heavy Power clean

5 sets of complex
Dead lifts x 3 + 60 seconds Max Calorie Row @28-32 SPM
Rest 3 minutes


5 sets
3 position Snatches
(Floor, below knee, above knee)
5 sets
2 position clean
(Floor, above knee)

5 x 3
Block jerks
(pause 3 seconds in lock out)

4 sets
Table top pose x 15 seconds
Straddle hollow hold x 30-45 seconds
