Dec 19 2015

Dec 19 2015

Chipper today…
Start out with a smooth, steady pace on the row.
Stay mentally focused and maintain your individual pace.
Break up reps into manageable pieces.

Fitness and Performance

20 minute AMRAP
1000 m row
100 DU
80 Wall balls 20/14
60 KB Swings 24/16
40 Burpees
20 Calorie Assault bike


EMOM x 12
5 singles @75%
4 singles @85%
3 singles @90%

30 minutes
Work up to 1 RM Clean

Weighted pull ups 4 x 8-12

4 sets of complex:
One arm DB Row x 12-15
Straight arm pull downs x 12
TRX reverse fly’s T-Y-I’s x 18

Hammer curls 3 x 12-15
