Monthly Archives: December 2015

WOD NOTES: Today we test all the rowing practice from the last 8 weeks. With larger classes we will run in heats. After the warmup maintain some active recovery until your heat is announced. Fitness and Performance 10 minutes Banded hip distraction and hamstring work 10 minute row prep Start @20 SPM and every 2 minutes increase stroke rate (+2) 10 minutes Discuss your individual race pace and goal for the 2K For time: 2000 m row Sport Snatch (off blocks) (above knee) Work up to heavy double – no misses Then repeat for 3 sets of singles of the same load Clean (off blocks) (above knee) Work up to heavy double – no misses Then repeat for 3 sets of singles of the same load BTN Pushpress 5 x 3 Work up to heavy triple HBBS 4 x 5 Work off feel and position today Go heavy, but only…

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WOD NOTES: Maintaining a relaxed breath pattern is key for today’s workout. Each movement will produce a different intensity based on your efficiency. All will be discussed before the WOD starts today. Fitness 10 minutes DU skills and drills For time: 10-8-6-4-2 Burpees 25-20-15-10-5 KB swings 75-60-45-30-20 SU Gymnastics finisher: 4 sets Table top x 20 seconds Hollow body hold x 30 seconds Rest as needed to maintain quality Performance 10 minutes: DU skills and drills For time: 25-20-15-10-5 Burpees 50-40-30-20-10 KB Swings 16/24 75-60-45-30-20 DU Gymnastics finisher: 4 sets Table top x 20 seconds Hollow body hold x 30 seconds Rest as needed to maintain quality Sport Rest Day

DECEMBER NOTES: Expect a lot of workout variety this month. We will start a new structured cycle in the new year. WOD NOTES: Today we practice the power clean followed by a IWT WOD. The dead lift loading will be performed with your heaviest power clean weight. Dead lift tempo: 3121 Fitness and Performance 15 minutes Work up to a heavy Power clean 5 sets of complex Dead lifts x 3 + 60 seconds Max Calorie Row @28-32 SPM Rest 3 minutes Sport 5 sets 3 position Snatches (Floor, below knee, above knee) 5 sets 2 position clean (Floor, above knee) 5 x 3 Block jerks (pause 3 seconds in lock out) 4 sets Table top pose x 15 seconds Straddle hollow hold x 30-45 seconds
