Some strict strength work today.
Maintain the mind body connection while performing each rep today.
Gaining strength and adding muscle mass are essential for long term health.
Not to mention that looking good naked is always a good bonus 😉
Fitness and Performance
Dynamic Prep:
1-3 sets based on individual needs
Supernova hamstring floss x 10 pulses
Banded Good morning x 10 reps
Quadruped Open book x 6 reps
4 sets
8 Dead lifts @50-70% 3112
4 sets
Chinese DB Rows x 8-12 reps
Ring Scapular contractions x 8-10 reps
Strict hanging knee raises x 6-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds between movements
WL Athletes
Dynamic Prep:
1-3 sets based on individual needs
Supernova hamstring floss x 10 pulses
Banded Good morning x 10 reps
Quadruped Open book x 6 reps
Clean grip Dead lift 5 x 3 @90-110%
4 sets
Chinese DB Rows x 8-12 reps
Hinge rows x 5-8 reps
Tuck up to negative x 3-5 reps