Aerobic work followed by a test of your pulling power.
If you are still looking to achieve a strict BW pull up then the goal will be to use the smallest band possible to allow you to perform 1 strict rep.
Score will be time and load.
A) 7:52
B) 25 lbs x 3 reps
Fitness and Performance
Dynamic prep
Band pull aparts x 12
PVC pass thru’s x 12
Band row + external rotation 1+5
Mace ballistic biceps curls x 20
15 minute clock
40 Calorie Assault Bike
500 m Ski Erg
600 m Row
– – – – – – – – –
with time remaining
Establish 3 RM weighted strict pull up
Dynamic prep
Band pull aparts x 12
Band front rack release x 30 sec
Band goblet squats x 6
5 sets
1 Power clean + 1 Hang Clean and Jerk @60-80%
Work up to 3 RM
15 Calorie Row
5 Hang power clean 135/95
5 Thrusters 135/95
Repeat from Nov.3.2015