March 22 2016

March 22 2016

Increase the load on the DL each set.
The load should be challenging, but still allow 5 UB reps with perfect posture.

Fitness and Performance

Dynamic prep
Band good mornings x 12
Single leg, single arm KB DL x 6 each
Skipping practice x 30 sec

5 sets
3 minute clock
5 Dead lifts
250 m row
3 minutes rest


Dynamic prep
PVC pass thru x 12
PVC sotts press x 10
PVC duck walk x 8

5 sets
Panda pull + hang snatch

Front Squats
Work up to heavy double

12 minute AMRAP
30 Thrusters @95/65
30 Box jumps @24/20″
20 Thrusters @115/75
20 Box jumps @30/24″
10 Thrusters @135/95
10 Box jumps @36/30″
AMRAP Thrusters @155/105
