March 22 2016
WOD NOTES: Increase the load on the DL each set. The load should be challenging, but still allow 5 UB reps with perfect posture. Fitness and Performance Dynamic prep Band good mornings x 12 Single leg, single arm KB DL x 6 each Skipping practice x 30 sec 5 sets 3 minute clock 5 Dead lifts 250 m row AMRAP DU 3 minutes rest Sport Dynamic prep PVC pass thru x 12 PVC sotts press x 10 PVC duck walk x 8 5 sets Panda pull + hang snatch Front Squats Work up to heavy double 12 minute AMRAP 30 Thrusters @95/65 30 Box jumps @24/20″ 20 Thrusters @115/75 20 Box jumps @30/24″ 10 Thrusters @135/95 10 Box jumps @36/30″ AMRAP Thrusters @155/105
March 21 2016
WOD NOTES: Aerobic work followed by a test of your pulling power. If you are still looking to achieve a strict BW pull up then the goal will be to use the smallest band possible to allow you to perform 1 strict rep. Score will be time and load. A) 7:52 B) 25 lbs x 3 reps Fitness and Performance Dynamic prep Band pull aparts x 12 PVC pass thru’s x 12 Band row + external rotation 1+5 Mace ballistic biceps curls x 20 A) 15 minute clock 40 Calorie Assault Bike 500 m Ski Erg 600 m Row – – – – – – – – – B) with time remaining Establish 3 RM weighted strict pull up Sport Dynamic prep Band pull aparts x 12 Band front rack release x 30 sec Band goblet squats x 6 5 sets 1 Power clean + 1 Hang Clean and Jerk…
March 19 2016
WOD NOTES Segmented 16.4 on the menu today. Learning to maintain solid DL posture under fatigue is today’s number one goal. Fitness and Performance 15 minutes Build up to a heavy 3 Dead lift Then take 65% of that weight for the MetCon 13 minute AMRAP 10 Deadlift 20 Wall Balls 20/14 30 Calorie Row 20 HR Push ups
March 18 2016
WOD NOTES Sustained aerobic effort. Learn about your pacing and keep it smooth. Fitness and Performance Dynamic prep Band triangle hip release x 30 sec Band leg swing + leg press x 6’s Bird dog x 6’s 30 minute AMRAP Keeping HR -150 Row 40 Calories Farmer carry x out and back Row 40 Calories Sled Walk x out and back Row 40 Calories Accumulate 2 minutes of plank Sport Dynamic prep Band triangle hip release x 30 sec Band leg swing + leg press x 6’s Bird dog x 6’s 30 minute AMRAP Keeping HR -150 Row 50 Calories Farmer carry x out and back Row 50 Calories Sled Walk x out and back Row 50 Calories HS Walk x out and back