Rowing practice today.
Increasing intensity as the pieces decrease.
80 Cal Row @22-24
60 Cal Row @24-28
40 Cal Row @26-30
20 Cal Row @ME
Rest 1:1
100 Cal Row @22-24
75 Cal Row @24-28
50 Cal Row @26-30
25 Cal Row @ME
Rest 1:1
Dynamic prep
Mace 360’s x 6 each
Band pull aparts x 12
Chest opener x 45 sec
Empty bar
Push press + Split Jerk + 3 Strict press (in split stance)
Jerk Balance 3 x 3
20 minutes
work up to 1 RM Split Jerk
HBBS 5 RM (with 3 sec pause at bottom)
4 sets
GHD hip extensions x 12
Landmine BB Row x 12
DB Oblique crunch x 15 each