April 26 2016
WOD NOTES Rowing “Cindy” 8 sets of rowing and 7 sets of “Cindy” FitnessĀ 2000 m row Every 400 m Perform the following… 5 Pull ups 10 Push ups 15 Air Squats Performance 2000 m row Every 250 m Perform the following… 5 Pull ups 10 Push ups 15 Air Squats **Add a weight vest is you’re feeling strong in your gymnastics movements Sport 4 sets of complex Panda pull + hang snatch 5 sets of complex Snatch grip DL x 3 High box jump x 2 EMOM x 12 Odds = Strict deficit HSPU (increase depth if possible) x 1-5 reps Evens = Stict C2B x 3-6 reps
April 25 2016
WOD NOTES Strength day… Fitness and Performance 4 sets Seated alternating DB shoulder press x 16-10 reps Band reverse fly’s x 15 Hollow hold x 20 seconds E2MO2M x 10 minutes (5 sets) Back Squat x 5 reps Increasing loads on each set Sport 6 sets AHAP Push press + Jerk HBBS Work up to 5 RM Then… two back off sets @95% and 90%
April 23 2016
WOD NOTES Today’s team workout is alternating and increasing reps. Fitness and Performance Teams of 2, 14 minute AMRAP 10 Pull ups 10 Burpees 10 Box jumps 10 Wall balls 10 T2B Add 2 reps each additional round. Sport Mock up WL meet.
April 22 2016
WOD NOTES Gymnastics Friday continues for April. We trust that you are all feeling increased pulling and core strength. Fitness 3 sets Jefferson curl x 3 Band Frogger x 45 sec Pancake x 45 sec 5 sets NFT 10 elbows out ring row 10 V ups 1 slow controlled bear crawl Performance 3 sets Jefferson curl x 3 Band Frogger x 45 sec Pancake x 45 sec 5 sets NFT 6 Strict CTB 10 V ups 3 Wall climbs Sport 3 sets Jefferson curl x 3 Band Frogger x 45 sec Pancake x 45 sec HS work Chest to wall – finger balance x 20 reps Shoulder stacking – over/under x 20 reps Chest to wall – scapular contractions x 20 reps Chest to wall – shoulder taps x 20 reps Chest to wall – Scissors x 20 reps Free stand kick up to hold x 5 + 5 seconds…