Monthly Archives: May 2016

WOD NOTES This workout is divided as needed. Only one person working at a time. Fitness and Performance 15 minutes Working up to heavy ish power clean Teams of 2, 4 RFT 500 m row 40 Wall balls 30 DU 10 Power cleans @65% Sport Dynamic prep Mace 360’s x 6’s Wall clock shoulder stretch x 6’s Dowel sotts press x 12 5 sets AHAP Segment Snatch @knee + OHS then… 3 back off sets 85/80/75% WL Athletes 4 sets BB Landmine rows x 8-10 GHD hip extensions x 8-12 DB Oblique crunches x 10-12 CF Athletes CanWest Games Qualifier #1 Sprints and Snatches 🙂

WOD NOTES Working with the clock today. If you have the capacity to increase load on each set, then go for it. If your increases are too great then decrease loading on your additional sets. Fitness and Performance 5 sets Every 3 minutes start Dead lifts x 3-5 reps 5 sets Every 3 minutes start Sand bag Squats x 8-12 reps 5 sets Every 3 minutes start Bench press x 4-8 reps Sport 5 sets AHAP Panda pull + Hang clean then… 3 back off sets 90/85/80% Work up to 3 RM Clean grip DL then… 2 back off sets 85/80%

WOD NOTES Testing your pulling endurance today. Increase load on the sled each round. Fitness  Dynamic prep Biceps opener 5/5/5/5 Band pull aparts x 20 Wall clock shoulder opener x 6 6 sets 30 seconds Assault bike 1 hand over hand sled pull* Rest 60 seconds Add load on sled if possible, this should be challenging Performance Dynamic prep Biceps opener 5/5/5/5 Band pull aparts x 20 Wall clock shoulder opener x 6 6 sets 30 seconds Assault bike 30 seconds Pull ups Rest 60 seconds Sport Dynamic prep Biceps opener 5/5/5/5 Band pull aparts x 20 Wall clock shoulder opener x 6 5 sets AHAP Snatch grip push press + OHS 3+1 20 minutes Build up to 3 RM HBBS Then….2 sets of Jumping quarter squats @30% x 5’s EMOM x 10 5 – 10 Strict HSPU Start with strict then move to kipping if you need to

WOD NOTES Some lat and glute activation work followed by some intervals. For the intervals add your calories and burpees for a score. Fitness and Performance Dynamic prep x 2 sets Band or partner chest opener x 45 sec Band perfect stretch x 45 sec each 3 sets Straight arm band pull down x 12 One arm DB rows x 10 each Single leg KB DL x 6 each For reps 60 seconds Ski erg calories 60 seconds burpees 2 minutes Rest 60 seconds Assault Bike calories 60 seconds burpees 2 minutes Rest 60 seconds Row calories 60 seconds Burpees    
