May 3 2016
WOD NOTES Some gymnastics endurance training. FitnessĀ EMOM x 15 Minute one = 10 push ups Minute two = 12 Hollow Rocks Minute three = 15 Air Squats Rest 3 minutes 2 minute clock x 4 sets 20 Wall balls DU practice with time remaining Rest 2 minutes Performance EMOM x 15 Minute one = 5 ring dips Minute two = 12 Hollow Rocks Minute three = 15 Air Squats Rest 3 minutes Every 4 minutes x 4 sets 20 Wall balls 20/14 30 DU Rest with time remaining Sport 5 sets Panda Pull + Power Snatch + Hang Snatch Halting Snatch DL x 5 RM Then…. 2 back off sets @90-85% EMOM x 10 sets Weighted strict C2B x 6-10 Start with 10 and when that fails, go to 9’s and so on…
May 2 2016
MAY NOTES As we get into the nicer, warmer and longer sunny days …. Most outdoor enthusiasts spend a bit more time with their outdoor cardio machines. The May programming will be biased towards strength and skill to help balance out your training week. Yes there is still cardio and yes there will be conditioning but it will take a back seat for the next few months. WOD NOTES Today we are testing two strength components from our levels sheets. Make sure to check off your sheets after completing today’s workout. And remember that each lift is positional based to pass our requirements. FitnessĀ Level Testing A) 20 minutes Work up to 8 RM Strict Press B) 20 minutes Build up to 3 RM Back Squat Performance Level Testing A) 20 minutes Work up to 3 RM Strict Press B) 20 minutes Build up to 3 RM Back Squat Sport…