We have a longer benchmark MetCon today.
Make sure to break up your sets early to avoid failure.
For the DB exercises make sure to use a loading that is challenging.
20 minute AMRAP
10 Strict DB shoulder press
15 Bent over DB Row
20 Reverse lunges
Strict Mary
20 minute AMRAP
5 Strict HSPU
10 Pistols
15 Strict Pull ups
Dynamic prep
Prayer stretch x 45 sec
Band front rack release x 45 sec
Perfect stretch x 45 sec
Power Snatch
Work up to 65%
Then 3 sets @70%
Clean and Jerk
Work up to 60%
Then 3 sets @65%
Jefferson curls x 3’s
Partner pancakes x 45 sec
Super nova roll pecs, triceps x 2 minutes each