July 5 2016

July 5 2016


Push/Pull day.
Make sure to use a loading that is challenging for the last few reps of each set.


Dynamic prep
Indian club circles x 10 each
Wall clock x 6 each
Band row + external rotation x 12

4 sets of complex
DB Chest press x 6-10
Bent over BB Row x 8-10
Rest 3 minutes between sets

Core finisher
5 sets
10 Hollow rocks
10 Supermans


Dynamic prep
Indian club circles x 10 each
Wall clock x 6 each
Band row + external rotation x 12

4 sets of complex
12 DB Chest press @60/40
10 Supinated strict pullups
Rest 3 minutes between sets

Core finisher
100 Hollow rocks
in as few sets as possible, while maintaining the proper shape 😉


Dynamic prep
Indian club circles x 10 each
Wall clock x 6 each
Band row + external rotation x 12

Empty bar prep (from hang)
Muscle + Power + Full + OHS + Sotts press

7 sets
High hang snatch AHAP

5 sets
Power clean + Power jerk AHAP

4 x 3
Snatch pulls @110%

Core finisher
100 Hollow rocks
in as few sets as possible, while maintaining the proper shape 😉
