July 25 2016

July 25 2016

3 minute high intensity pieces today.
Go fast, but keep the barbell cycling within your control.


15 minutes
Work up to a moderate 3 dead lift today, with controlled descent (no dropping)
and practice DU between sets

3 minute clock
20 Calorie Row
20 KB Swings
AMRAP Burpees

3 minute rest

3 minute clock
20 Calorie Ski
20 KB Swings
AMRAP Burpees

3 minute rest

3 minute clock
20 Calorie Assault Bike
20 KB Swings
AMRAP Burpees


15 minutes
Barbell cycling practice and build up to slightly above working weight.

3 minute clock
3 sets of
20 DU
8 Deadlifts @135/85
AMRAP Burpees

3 minute rest

3 minute clock
3 sets of
20 DU
5 Power cleans @135/85
AMRAP Burpees

3 minute rest

3 minute clock
3 sets of
20 DU
3 Power snatch @135/85
AMRAP Burpees


E2MO2M x 7
Snatch balance
Add 1-3 kg’s over last week

Snatch every 90 seconds x 8
75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, heavy for the last 2 sets
Add 1-2 kg’s over last week
