Push/Pull day.
If you don’t have a 1 RM talk to your trainer and they will help you understand the appropriate loading for each piece today.
Fitness and Performance
400 m row + 20 Bench press @50%
Rest 3 minutes
400 m row + 15 Bench press @60%
Rest 3 minutes
400 m row + 10 Bench press @70%
Rest 3 minutes
400 m row + 15 Bench press @60%
Rest 3 minutes
400 m row + 20 Bench press @50%
Rest 3 minutes
Dynamic prep
Prayer stretch x 45 seconds
Wrist mobility x 45 seconds
Perfect stretch x 45 seconds
4 sets @80%
4 sets @85%
Build to 10 RM
Then 2 x 10 @85% of today’s 10RM
Strict press (in split stance)
Build to 3 RM
Then 3 x 3 @90% of today’s 3 RM