Sept 27 2016

Sept 27 2016

Testing your upper body strength and endurance.
The goal is to establish your 10RM bench press over the 5 sets.
Score the workout as follows:
The heaviest 10 bench & all pull up reps


5 sets of complex:
Bench press x 10
Banded strict pull ups x max reps
Rest as needed between sets


5 sets of complex:
Bench press x 10
Strict pull ups x max reps
Rest as needed between sets


Dynamic prep
Wrist stretch x 2 minutes
Prayer stretch x 2 minutes
Primal pass thru x 2 minutes

Enderton FS
3 sets @75%
3 sets @78%

BTN Pushpress
10 RM
Then 2 sets x 10 @90%

3 sets
GHD hip extensions x 12
One arm DB Row x 10 each
Hanging knee raises x 6-10
