Monthly Archives: October 2016

WOD NOTES As we approach “The Open” season, we will test some workouts that will prepare you for this 5 week event. If you are planning on participating in the open this year you should spend your training sessions in the Performance category and push to perform the RX loading. Fitness 15 minutes Working on Power clean + Push press technique EMOM x 10 3 Power cleans + 10 Jumping air squats Performance 15 minutes Build up to a heavy Cluster 5 RFT 15 Calorie Row 5 hang power cleans 135/95 5 thrusters 135/95

WOD NOTES We are working with the wide box squat again this week. Try to increase your loading 5% over 2 weeks ago. Fitness and Performance 3-4 warm up sets Then…. 5 sets Wide box squats x 3 reps 4 sets Landmine rows x 10 each Straight arm band pull downs x 12 Trap 3 raises x 5 (5 sec hold) Rest 60 seconds between movements Sport Power Snatch Build up to 1 RM No more than 2 misses at any load on the way up Front Squats 4 sets x 3 @80% SWOLE WOD RDL 4 sets x 8 reps Strict pull ups 3 sets x max reps Super set x 3 Landmine row x 10 each + Trap 3 raises x 6’s  

WOD NOTES Race to the burpees today….how many can you complete? FitnessĀ  4 sets for reps 3 minute clock 400 m row 50 SU AMRAP Burpees Rest 3 minutes Performance 4 sets for reps 3 minute clock 400 m row 50 DU AMRAP Burpees Rest 3 minutes Sport 20 minutes Build up to heavy single Clean and Jerk Then 2 sets at 80% of today’s number Back Squats x 6 sets 6 @70% 2 @85% Alternating between 6/2, rest 3 minutes between each

WOD NOTES Today’s team effort will consist of a movement and a cardio piece. Person one will continue performing reps until the cardio piece is complete. Each partner must complete the cardio piece before moving stations. Score will be time to complete and max reps. Fitness and Performance Prep x 2 Dowel pass thru x 10 Frankenstiens x 1 length Band good morning x 10 For time: Station one: Partner one completes 500 m row Partner two performs AMRAP Wall balls Station two: Partner one completes 1 KM Assault bike Partner two performs AMRAP KB swings Station three Partner one completes 500 m Ski erg Partner two performs AMRAP Box jumps or step ups Station four Partner one completes 400 m run Partner two performs AMRAP Push press 45/35 Sport 30 minutes Build up to 1 RM Snatch 30 minutes Build up to 1 RM C&J  
