Dec 03 2016

Dec 03 2016

Fun team workout today.
You will spend plenty of time with the medball today.
Recommended med ball loading is 20/14.
Score is the total number of reps completed in 20 minutes.

Fitness and Performance

20 minute AMRAP
Team of 2,

25 Med ball sit ups (passing back and forth)

20 Burpees (partner holds plank)

*15 partner Squats (hold med ball back-to-back)
*if you drop the ball = 250 m row

10 Deadlifts each @185/135


Split Jerk
Pause in dip and lockout
3 x 1 @80%
3 x 1 @85%
3 x 1 @87%

5 sets x 8 @90% of your 8 RM (from Thursday)

BB Bonus
C1) Bench press 3 x 10
C2) Strict pull ups 3 x 8
C3) V ups 3 x 15
